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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

2008 Offensive Line Analysis & Rankings

From: Ultimate Fantasy Football Strategy
The following offensive line rankings were determined based on a number of factors which include the new additions to the offensive line, injuries suffered last season, the durability of the line, the average age of the line and the depth of the line. The offensive lines have been divided in five groups and teams in each group are listed in alphabetical order. To further understand each line, click on the team name and it will lead you to a detailed analysis of the offensive line.

Click on: to view the complete chart and analysis.


Anonymous said...

how in the blue horny waters of lake titicaca is the rams o-line better than seattles?

Ultimate FF Strategy said...

They had the same YPC average last year and Rams gave up only 12 more sacks. The difference is the Rams wee missing 2 starters and many backups (Pace, Incognito, Romberg, Setterstrom and others) for most of the season and they also added Jacob Bell.
The Seahawks had no injuries on the line and only added Mike Wahle.

Unknown said...

The youth of the falcons OFF line will bean noticed very little this season. Last season ATL had a first year OFF and DEF line coaches being led by a premadonna(college) head coach. Then this year the system will be easier to pull off with young huge guys run blocking most of the time. Ill come back at the end of the 5th week of the season to give the experts a chance to recant their statements.....

The Fantasy Sports Forum said...

Thanks for visiting the site. The addition of Michael Turner on its own will probably make the offensive line look better, so youmay be proven right.